Sword Art Online Ep. 17: A whole new woooooorld!

Let’s just get right to it.


• And we kick things off with a shot of Kirito bravely slicing a foe in two. While he was taking a second to turn his head around and pose, something occurred to me. The guy spent two years in a game where death mattered. In other words, he couldn’t simply attack another player character without some serious consideration for the consequences of his actions. It would have been an interesting, therefore, if Kirito had hesitated for a second in defeating the guys picking on Leafa. Let’s say he goes to attack, but then suddenly thinks back to his experiences in SAO. Even if he knows that death is trivial in Alfheim Online, how can you instantly override two years of experience in another world? This would go to show how the previous MMO continues to affect Kirito in subtle ways—… ahh, fuck it, just have him kill them and look cool. Who needs character development?

• I don’t even want to speculate as to why Sugu gave her online character such giant breasts.

There are even stars on her chest. :I

• That’s a pretty bad joke, Kirito: “I see myself as the hero who just saved the princess. Crying and running into my arms would be a good start.” Hahaha, just joking about being a chauvinist, by the way. Don’t blow your cool now!

• The new game has a bizarre PVP mechanic: when you’re in another race’s territory, you can’t attack them, but they can attack you. For a PVP-centric game, that limitation is strange to me. I’ve played plenty of MMOs where players could invade the enemy’s main city.

• There’s just a lack of palpable tension in the narrative. I thought we had to save Asuna and we had to save her soon, but despite this, the show continues to world-build. There’s nothing all that mystifying about flying, so I don’t see the point of having yet another tutorial on how to use one’s wings in Alfheim Online.

• The characters then spend the next minute giggling and seeing who can soar through the night sky faster. Yep.

• I like how the tower just has windows randomly scattered about:

World-building at its finest.

• According to Leafa, illusion magic isn’t useful in battles. Uh… sounds like it would be pretty useful to me.

• The Sylph town seems to have taken the color green very seriously. In fact, obnoxiously so:

I like how the show loves to focus on world-building, but it can’t even do this in an interesting, aesthetically-pleasing way. We’ll just shit green all over a city and call it a day.

• “I’ve only got a week to save my e-waifu but… say, was that Recon guy your boyfriend? You guys sure seem close!” /teaseteasetease

• Finally, the two get around to discussing the World Tree. You know what that means! Tell, not show!

• These MMOs are so derivative of each other. Like SAO, Alfheim Online’s main quest involves climbing a tall structure. In this case, it’s a tree. I know they share the same technology and stats, but even the quest structure? Eesh.

• Alfheim Online sounds rather poorly designed for PVP too. The first race to supposedly hit the top of the World Tree will ascend to an advanced class that has unlimited flight. Okay, so let’s say this happens. What’s to prevent the ascended race from PKing everyone else and preventing them from ascending as well?

• Leafa thinks it’s impossible to reach the top of the World Tree, but then she goes to say, “…you can’t just give it up.” Makes sense.

• When it’s convenient, Kirito does pretend as though it is of critical importance that he reaches the top of the World Tree. Just, y’know, not when he’s busy flirting with the blonde bombshell he just met.

• Christ, the episode is in love with Leafa’s cleavage. We keep seeing unnecessary shots of it every other frame.

• Remember how I complained last week about Kirito’s stats instantly transferring over to the new game? My main argument was that this removed any sense of tension from the show because he practically starts with the “I win” button taped down. This episode only reinforces my position. With only a week to save Asuna, what does Kirito do? He logs out for the night after agreeing to meet up with Leafa the following day. I mean, c’mon, that’s not exciting at all. You wouldn’t think for once he’s on an urgent mission to save his true love from a creepy dude or anything. Yes, Kirito no longer has to train or hunt for gear because he’s already strong, but that’s the crux of the problem! Had his stats not carried over — or perhaps not even completely — we might get to see Kirito in desperation mode. It wouldn’t hurt him to break a sweat, y’know? But instead, it’s lah-dee-dah, this is just another grand ol’ adventure for the overpowered Gary Stu.

• But why should Kirito worry when he’s got a back-up plan should he fail to rescue Asuna:

• Up atop the World Tree, the caged bird emos it up. According to the villain, Asuna’s name is now Titania. I’m sorry, but has he met Leafa? She’s the real Titania, if you know what I mean. On the other hand, Asuna’s in some navel-bearing get-up.

• “You’re very strong-willed. But you know… Lately, I’ve been thinking it might be nice to take you by force.” Oh anime. Is that the only thing you can come up with? Why, you might wonder, does anime keep revisiting this unsavory subject ad nauseum? What would compel writers to repeatedly head down this direction? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I suspect writers aren’t thinking, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to a woman?” Instead, they’re probably thinking, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to my woman?”

• It turns out Nobuyuki has employed a secret team to research ways in which the full-dive system can be used to manipulate a person’s emotions and memories. How do we learn this? Like all terribly-written villains, he can’t help revealing his plans for no reason whatsoever. What is he hoping to do with this new technology, you ask? Why, sell it to the highest bidder, of course! Which just so happens to be… of course, an evil American corporation!

• But anyway, this isn’t just a race to save Asuna before she’s married. This is a race against time to prevent her from losing her memories and personality completely. Still, we have plenty of episodes left. No need for Kirito to act with a sense of urgency or anything.

46 thoughts on “Sword Art Online Ep. 17: A whole new woooooorld!

  1. elior1

    @E Minor even if he lame and bad writing villain you agree he do pretty ugly things with asuna like lick her hair in this episode and try start take off her uperr clothes by open the ribon?also you will love how kirito will finish him it will be much better then how kaiba and kirito battle endded

  2. Ian Caronia

    Your concept of why rape keeps popping up sounds pretty accurate overall, though it doesn’t explain why there’s such a prevalent amount of it as of late. It’s a pandemic! haha

    Also: I know it’s mostly fluid work, so there’s that, but the art is terrible for SAO. Half of the women look like Kirito. Seriously, when I looked at that image of Sugu I saw Kirito with tits. Maybe it’s me just noticing that now. That tower is atrocious, too what with the sprinkling of windows. I read your note, looked at the image and thought, “What windows? There’s just glittering specks and two fairy-elves.” Took me a second to realize those randomly placed specks were windows.

    1. E Minor Post author

      Your concept of why rape keeps popping up sounds pretty accurate overall, though it doesn’t explain why there’s such a prevalent amount of it as of late.

      Coincidentally enough, GOP candidates keep mentioning rape as well. Could there be… a connection?! DUN DUN DUN. Todd Akin is the actual writer for SAO, folks.

      Half of the women look like Kirito.

      Well, I don’t know if this is a problem that is limited to just SAO. Lots of anime fall prey to this same issue because animators are just lazy.

  3. alsozara

    Oh geez, this show.

    I thought the exact same thing when they brought up the race getting perma-flight. Seems really unbalanced. I mean, how does that even work? If you’re a new player and you select the race that got up there first, do you get the perma flight too? Would anyone choose any other race? Would everyone just make a new character and thus have a whole world of one race? Of course, it’s probably just a lie put out by mr. villain, but even so.

    Also, does his sister not know his online handle? Isn’t he like a famous hero or something? It’s not like he even looks much different in this world, I’d actually just assumed she knew who he was. Welp, I look forward to the inevitable scene where they realise each other’s identity and everything is super awkward <_<.

    1. E Minor Post author

      I get the feeling she’s already realized who he is.

      Anyway, it’s just funny how easy it is for evil people to get their hands on this technology. I guess no government body felt like stepping in after the two year fiasco with SAO.

      1. alsozara

        I thought she did too, till it cut back to her IRL and she says: “He was a weird guy. Kirito-kun, huh?”. Seemed like a strange thing to say if she knew who he was.

        Yeah, it reminds me of Resident evil in that the world seems to have an unlimited number of psychopaths who like doing things in really convoluted ways and have a knack for avoiding corporate regulation.

        1. E Minor Post author

          She had that half-jealous, half-sad reaction to him insisting that he has to climb the World Tree at all costs, so I don’t know… sure seemed like she has a bit of a clue. I wouldn’t put it past A-1 Pictures though if they just made a mistake.

          Yeah, but I don’t think anyone’s shedding any tears over RE. The fact that people get worked up about SAO is what makes it so entertaining.

  4. moonrabbit

    What is he hoping to do with this new technology, you ask? Why, sell it to the highest bidder, of course! Which just so happens to be… of course, an evil American corporation!

    You mean, EA Games?

  5. The Real Sugoi Sugoi

    Well, mindless writing on the part of Japanese writers is one reason why the subject of rape appears so often in their storytelling. Another reason is that patriarchal assumptions about gender are so taken for granted there that when a person is being mindless in Japan they are by default being patriarchal.

    Of course, this isn’t just a Japanese problem. All cultures, with the exception of progressive or left-wing enclaves within each of them, unfortunately still take for granted the ideas of patriarchy (and being a left-wing activist myself, I even often find that many members within the left stubbornly retain patriarchal habits).

    But from what I’ve noticed, patriarchy is much more ingrained in Japan than a lot of other countries. The reason for this, I think, is simple: Japanese culture has historically been an incredibly authoritarian one, based on very strict, almost caste-like, hierarchies in society, and authoritarianism is patriarchal by default. Japanese culture commands conformity and subservience to authority. The “purity myth” and the virgin-whore dichotomy that U.S. feminist Jessica Valenti describes so well is so pervasive in Japan that I may well say it’s like the air they breath (for most Japanese, at least). And as everyone can tell by the Japanese language, very small distinctions of status are always paid attention to (is this person a “=san”. “-kun”, “-dono”, “-sama”, “-chan”, etc?). It’s almost militaristic, in this sense. The appropriate behavior you have to have with another person depends on that person’s social ranking.

    Again, I must stress, this isn’t just a Japanese problem. It’s a problem everywhere. Having spent many years in the United States, a country that formally recognizes equally, I have to say that the glass ceiling for women (as well as for non heterosexuals) is all too painfully real there, and American culture in general is similarly obsessed with controlling women’s sexuality, especially with the discussions about the legality/morality of abortion and all that madness coming from pro-“lifers” and right-wing figures..

    All of this is annoying, but the only way for it to change is for the Japanese to change the society and the culture themselves. That being said, it’s unfortunate that left-wing egalitarian thought there is so marginalized. But then again, where isn’t it?

    1. E Minor Post author

      That being said, it’s unfortunate that left-wing egalitarian thought there is so marginalized. But then again, where isn’t it?

      Off the top of my head? Bolivia? Maybe Venezuela. Unfortunately, most cultures are going to have their flaws regarding this issue. For what it’s worth, however, France is close to making birth control and abortion free for its female citizens. So baby steps are being made even if the battle is nowhere close to being won.

      Having spent many years in the United States, a country that formally recognizes equally,

      Heh. There’s a problem when America’s (arguably) greatest contribution to political philosophy (Rawls’ Theory of Justice) hardly makes any mention of race or gender.

  6. Bunny

    You obviously are a pervert because her boobs got focused on once intentionally, it’s kind of disgusting that your eyes are drawn to them in every scene.

          1. E Minor Post author

            How could I possibly defend myself against the rhetorical brilliance that is the “It takes one to know one” argument? I’ll just let you rule the playground for another day. ;v

        1. illegenes

          If it helps, I’m a GIRL and I couldn’t help but shout out BOOBIES! every what, 5 minutes? And like he said. Stars. On. Her. Breast.

          I guess this makes me a perv too, huh. At least I don’t go sniffing girls’ hair. But that only happened twice in the show by the same person! So it must just be a coincidence.

          1. E Minor Post author

            Naw, the other commenter’s right! It totally takes one to know one! Also, when feminists point out the objectification of women in the media…


            …they’re really just covering up the fact that they’re pervs.

        2. Bunny

          Actually, I watched the episode first then read the review and saw you complaining about her boobs being shown in every shot. I only recalled once they actually intended to focus on it. But hey you probably have that anime boob fetish like a bunch or perverts do. It’s disgusting, your disgusting, SAO is disgusting.

  7. Arbee

    “I see myself as the hero who just saved the princess. Crying and running into my arms would be a good start.”

    I have a feeling he’s finally aware on why he chose the Virtual World over the Real World.

      1. Arbee

        One thing I wondered to myself while watching this episode was is… How does Asuna handle this situation by herself? I mean, she’s supposed to be this strong character ever since her rise to power as the “most Influential Female Gamer” in SAO. So why can’t she act like one? If she doesn’t want it, she should have at least fought back.

        1. Arbee

          Not trying to.
          Asuna’s expressions just really went the dull distance: not a lot of believable reactions for me.

  8. Stef

    I suspect writers aren’t thinking, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to a woman?” Instead, they’re probably thinking, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to my woman?”

    Instant money, just add waifu-in-distress.
    But not too much distress ; she has to remain pure enough for the viewers and by extension the Gary Tsu.

    1. Arbee

      Iunno, I’m hypothesizing on the effects and aftermaths if the “Worst Thing That Can Happen To Gary Tsu’s Waifu” ever happened, really.

  9. etery-chan


    IMOUTO doesn’t realize it yet, that her onii-chan is the Gary Stu in a slick black cloth named Kirito.
    Strange, I know, considering his face is the same, only he has pointy ears and spiky hair now.
    While Gary Stu can’t recognize his IMOUTO because she has blonde hair now, and her cup size has been increased by two size. Just like E Minor, his eyes got fixed on those rack every time, he doesn’t have time for her face.

    PS : I totally didn’t notice that she has star stamps on her breasts!:-D

    1. E Minor Post author

      Just like E Minor, his eyes got fixed on those rack every time, he doesn’t have time for her face.

      Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  10. Wait, wut.

    Had another slow-on-the-uptake moment while watching this episode: you know how Sugou was reveling in being your standard one-dimensional villain and almost-defiling Asuna’s ‘purity’? I seriously thought Asuna was pinned to her chair, arms tied, unable to do anything or resist in any way.

    And then she stood up and started yelling at him AS HE LEFT THE ROOM.

    So she had freedom of movement the entire time, and could realistically have prevented Sugou from sniffing her luscious pixelated locks–but nope, gotta have her immobile for no explainable reason other than to have Sugou be a creepy creep. Okay, SAO.

    1. E Minor Post author

      Maybe she was too scared to react. Maybe she’s afraid he’d get even more physical with her if she resisted. I don’t really want to get into whether or not a woman should’ve fought back and to what degree, because we don’t really understand what’s going through her mind and this sets a bad precedent anyway. I’ll just bash other things about the show.

      1. Wait, wut.

        Those are important things to take into account, yes. But I’m not saying I expected her to fly straight into ass-kicking mode, just to jerk away from the guy/swat him at the very least. I won’t disagree that she was probably considering what effect her resistance might have on him, and decided not to do anything to push him past his breaking point, but…eh. Maybe I’m still grappling with the fact that such a formerly-capable character has been reduced to a quivering damsel in distress. It irritates me, is all. Along with several things about SAO.

        1. E Minor Post author

          Maybe I’m still grappling with the fact that such a formerly-capable character has been reduced to a quivering damsel in distress.

          I don’t disagree with you there. Not that this is what you intended to say, but I just think we should try to steer away from inadvertently implying that “Well, if she didn’t want it, she should’ve resisted more.”

  11. illegenes

    We should really start a SAO drinking game (even if I don’t drink).
    1 shot for cleavage
    1 shot for every shot of the goddamn tower
    1 shot for sniffing a girl’s hair/more misogynic bullsh*t/Creepin’ Sugou
    1 bottle for Kirito mastering a power that should at least take PRACTICE to perfect
    1 bottle for Kirito defeating high powered enemies without much effort
    2 bottles for a new person in Kirito’s harem
    1 drink for IMOUTO BONDING TIME
    1 drink for Kirito’s imouto’s face turning red irl

    ….what else….

  12. mochirochi

    I kind of wonder why no one recognized Kirito? At least the name should register some sort of response. He is the hero in SAO, so he should be somewhat known. Even if the papers didn’t write his name, other gamers would have told people about him.

    1. E Minor Post author

      I dunno. Maybe people just figured that he was a copycat. There are a billion xxSephirothxx’s out there in MMOs, but none of them are the real Sephiroth. Then again, if this is the case, why hadn’t anyone taken the name Kirito first is my question?

  13. Behemoth

    I love how beating ALO let’s you and whoever else you get to the top of tree with can fly forever which sounds really pointless since it would be most useful for getting to the top of the damn tree.

    1. E Minor Post author

      I think the anime wants you to think that flying is super awesome, so people would want perma-flight just for the sake of the virtual sensation.


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