Bakuman Ep. 10: No girls allowed in the treehouse

Look at that face.

I know, I know — a good half of this episode is devoted to deconstructing the shounen manga and how someone can get his or her shit published in a magazine like Shounen Jump Jack. Even so, the most entertaining–… scratch that. The funniest thing about this episode is Mashiro’s facial expression.

Here’s how it all went down. Mashiro heads to his uncle’s apartment where he and his best bud Takagi always spend their youthful days cooped up like a pair of hikikomori’s. Mashiro is so excited to spend yet another day doing exactly what he did the day before: draw manga. He opens the door and what should he find? A… g-g-girl?

This video doesn’t exist

Hi-hidoi, Shujin. I thought we agreed no girls allowed. :< Miyoshi tries to act normal:

But Mashiro continues to pout:

Seriously, he does not stop pouting.

What’s the big deal? I really don’t know. The characters mention something about pride, but frankly, it sounds pretty fucking lame to me. Lame and weird, a sentiment that even Miyoshi is aware enough to acknowledge:

“Deciding to get married once your dreams come true — when we’re still in ninth grade?” Naw, nothing strange about that whatsoever. Mashiro then decides to lay down the law:

This apartment is, like, sacred ground okay? We can’t let in the taint of females! How does Takagi respond? By bowing his head. He’s so whipped. Miyoshi reasonably objects that she can’t even see her “boyfriend” on weekends. Again, Mashiro’s face says it all:

Eventually, he relents; holidays are okay too. Absolutely hilarious. I can’t remember the last time someone was so crestfallen to see a girl.

As for the rest of the episode, it was sorta interesting, I guess. If the boys really love manga that much though, it’s funny to see them sell out and try to emulate the generic shounen at the drop of a hat.

Your moment of zen:

8 thoughts on “Bakuman Ep. 10: No girls allowed in the treehouse

  1. Taka

    Bros before Hoes man, Bros before Hoes…

    That being said if the Ho was Miyoshi…

    By which I mean she looked cute in that scene…yknow…for a 9th grader /sigh

    Video was priceless

    1. E Minor Post author

      Well, babies are cute. There’s nothing wrong with being cute. I think you mean she’s stacked. ;v

      ‘Cause she is. Yeah, there’s no way she’s still in middle school.

  2. H

    I don’t think Mashiro’s glum because Miyoshi’s a ‘girl’, but more because he feels that she being there will distract Takagi from focusing on their work. I know I’d feel pretty irritated if my project groupmate brought her guy over while we’re trying to do work.

    1. E Minor Post author

      Here’s how I would react if I was in his shoes:

      *see Miyoshi*

      Oh, sup.

      *start drawing*

      Gosh, that seems so easy. What’s there to pout about!

  3. Crude

    It’s sort of like band practice. Someone’s going to get pissed at you bringing your girlfriend.

    I’ve been reading the manga since it first began, and it is really weird seeing Mashiro pouting so much early in the story compared to the way he is now.

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