Category Archives: Videos

Jellyman’s report #15

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Okabe and gang can’t believe what they find when they hack into SERN’s classified files.

Togainu no Chi Ep. 9

Don't ask me why. I got this from Danbooru.

For once, Togainu no Chi actually had a focused episode. Instead of dilly dallying about in a war zone like some slice-of-life anime except with more bondage freaks, the show actually had a direction. Was it an effective episode? Ehhhh, I dunno. It’s full of magical blood and angsty flashbacks. Keisuke seemed to return to his natural self a little too easily — well, why don’t I just let the anime do the talking. I condensed the episode down to just the most essential scenes. ;o

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Yep. I left out the whole Rin thing, but who cares about Rin? Am I right or AMIRITE?

Ore no Imouto Ep. 9’s Missing Footage

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My dad gave me this short footage from my favorite anime of all time, OreImo!

He is such an awesome dad. He works in an anime factory. He brings home anime for me to watch everyday. I say to my dad, “Dad, you are so sugoi and kakkoii. One day, I’m going to grow up and make anime just like you!”